Schweppes Satirical Cartoons
Schweppes were one of the very first brands to use satire in their advertising. In homage to the brand history, we collaborated to reinvigorate a dying media; the satirical cartoon.
Working with illustrator David Hopkins, for a year long period, we released topical cartoons in reaction to breaking news stories in newspaper titles including The Guardian, The Independent and The Economist.

Gosh We Can
When Obama came along in the States, David Cameron jumped on top of the opportunity to mimic the success of his every movement.
Instead of the iconic 'Yes We Can' poster, we showed Cameron with his very own 'Gosh We Can' version.

You're Fired!
The final of TV show, The Apprentice, coincided perfectly with the G20 Summit of world leaders.

When Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie decided to adopt another baby from Africa, we released this image of Brad and Angelina shopping in Rodeo Drive, Hollywood, at the "Orphan Boutique".