Rocky Biscuits
With zero budget, we were challenged to make Rocky Biscuits a culturally relevant and topical brand again in the UK.
We needed an idea that would punch above the weight of the product, a chocolate bar much like any other.
Thankfully, at the this time Britain had become embroiled in a nanny-state culture of health and safety. We decided to leverage this culture by inventing the BBAB, British Biscuit Advisory Board, a quango government biscuit board.
Working with a team of genuine scientists, we carried out all sorts of "Biscuit Experiments" and released the results to the public. Everything from the risks associated with biscuit dunking to the threat of choking on large biscuit crumbs.
Naturally Rocky Biscuits were deemed to be the most risky chocolate bar of them all, playing back to the brand heritage as a substantial chocolate bar.
The campaign featured in every daily UK newspaper as well as The Jonathan Ross Show.


British Biscuit Advisory Board - Education

British Biscuit Advisory Board - Health

British Biscuit Advisory Board - Storage

The British Biscuit Advisory Board - Facts

British Biscuit Advisory Board - Quality Control