+ 44 (0)7808 535 488 kharmanturner@gmail.com

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I was fortunate enough to spent some fantastic years living in New York City.

In that time I was struck by just how many people would ask me if they could buy the objects, furniture, trinkets, artwork or general curiosities in my home.

Nearly all of these items came from my visits to UK charity shops, markets or boot sales.

When I finally moved back to the UK, I decided to set up a web shop, www.uk-to-usa.com, to connect the oddities of the UK to the passion of the market in the USA.

Shoppers can only buy in dollars, making the shop a unique connection between my present day in the UK and my past in the USA.

Charles Darwin 1970's Cigarette Card

Charles Darwin 1970's Cigarette Card


Original Charles Darwin cigarette card.

Issued in the 1970's with Brooke Bond Tea Bags.

llustrated by Angus Mc Bride.

escribed by Virginia Shankland.

"...his great work, the Origin of Species, caused a sensation. It was bitterly attacked by men who (wrongly) thought Darwin believed man to be descended from apes, whereas his true theory was that man and ape had a common ancestor."

6.8 x 3.6 cm

No. 4 of 50.

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